move2improve blog

Exercising in Small Spaces

All of us modern-day heroes are women and men on the go – we all live incredibly fast lifestyles and this often leaves us looking for a spare 20 minutes or half an hour to exercise, and more often than not at an awkward time where the gyms are most definitely closed. 

So then we find ourselves looking for an online workout or a workout we have up our sleeves to quickly get done. But we face yet another problem, we often have to exercise in the limited spaces of our homes. 

However, a small space doesn’t have to limit how impactful your exercise is—you may just have to modify how you break a sweat.  Obviously, things like running or other moves that require a large range of motion will be tough, but there are endless other exercises that you can do in a small space. Pilates is one of the most effective and “neatest” full-body exercises requiring very little space and equipment – literally your body weight and a mat. 

When you hit the gym, you’re there to do one thing, but working out at home is an entirely different ballgame. It’s easy to get distracted by family or other things laying around—like that pile of laundry that needs folding or the new rom-com that’s streaming. To fit in a solid sweat session, the focus is key.

Try avoiding human distractions by fitting in your workout when no one else is around. Set your alarm an hour before everyone else wakes up. 

Not a morning person? Find a secluded spot that is away from the main traffic in your home. Earbuds can also help tune things out and keep you in the zone.

When you’re on your own, there’s no one there to correct your form. Plus, if you’re in a small space, you may need to make modifications on your own. Translation: you need to be extra careful so you don’t wind up hurt!

That’s one of the things that make streaming services so helpful. Even though the instructor isn’t there with you in real life, they can carefully explain how your body should feel as you make a move. 

This is why Move 2 Improve’s video-on-demand library is a lifesaver. Niloo, our qualified Pilates teacher has years of experience and carefully curates videos to ensure that students are always safe and that the moves are easy to follow.

Click the link below to join the Move 2 Improve family and exercise at ANY time and in ANY place! Move 2 Improve has Pilates classes for all fitness levels.

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