The 06:30 alarm goes off. Time to get out of bed, have a shower, brush the teeth, and get dressed. A cup of coffee, breakfast, and a quick glance over the day’s agenda. Your day has begun.
That was the basics of a typical morning that day in day out you go through without questioning or forgetting the details. Why? Because they are essential to your personal existence therefore you’ve formed a routine for them. The same goes for eating, resting, and sleeping. In other words “nature” has programmed your subconscious so you can stay alive and healthy through these conscious choices. Nature has also designed you to move and you do, it’s not possible not to move in each day. However, from a hunter gatherer human to a computer bound one the movement demand has been significantly changed if you agree.
Take any mechanical machine such as a car or a watch, if the parts don’t regularly roll, spin, twist, or slide they rust, partially lose their functions and need more maintenance. Human body is a machine after all, and consciously moving the parts of this machine must be a priority to preserve and prolong its function. That way we stay in tune with what nature intended for us.
- Change the name – Call it: Moving my body.
- Change the mindset – You are moving to improve your health and longevity. No other reason.
- Stand up – Do 10 squats and 10 lunges. Mark this your first session.
- Make space on your schedule – Write it down and commit to it, like one of your work meetings.
- Be flexible with the duration – Specially if you’re new to exercise, anything from 25-50 minutes is perfect.
- Be consistent and aim for 3-5 days per week.
- You don’t need a gym – At home and with minimum to none equipment you can do very effective movements.
- Be thankful to yourself – Literally and loud! You are loving and healing your body.
- Don’t wait for an inspiration, Be the inspiration.
- Brag about it. You’ve started something great.
What motivates you almost immediately is the amazing feeling you get after each session. Then the results that start showing slowly but surely fuel the motivation by two folds. You will be unstoppable in no time. Smile and carry on!