Core Strength – Body Weight

Created by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century and originally called “Contrology,” Pilates is a system of exercises designed to enhance the body’s potential by correcting muscular imbalances, finding optimal alignment, and creating efficient movement patterns. Pilates exercises, in conjunction with your breath, use all of your body’s muscles. It’s known for targeting smaller and deeper stabilization muscles and is often explained as working from the inside out, because of this Pilates supports your body’s structure through a balance of strength, mobility, and flexibility, with every exercise engaging your core. It can involve mat work or low-impact bodyweight exercises.

Why is a strong core so important?

Contrary to popular belief, your core — or powerhouse — comprises more than just your abdominal muscles. It’s the center of your body, from the base of the rib cage to the base of your buttocks. It includes muscles of the lower back, abdominals, hips, glutes (aka the butt muscles), inner thighs, and pelvic floor. Think of it as your body’s corset, but without the restrictive quality. This area houses your organs, ideally supporting them in their natural position and enhancing their functionality.

To work most effectively, the powerhouse works in sync with your breath. Aim for suppleness — a balance of activation and relaxation versus gripping or bracing all of the time.

A strong core, or powerhouse, is the foundation of whole-body health.

It affects your stability, balance, and posture, facilitating everyday activities like bending down, twisting to grab something, lifting heavy objects, or even playing sports that require core strength thus adequate core strength is the difference between doing an activity naturally and without much thought or feeling discomfort, stiffness, and restriction.

Pilates has been a go-to regimen for anyone interested in working on strength, grace, and of course, a solid core.

Enjoy this quick Pilates workout hosted by Move2Improve’s qualified instructor, Niloo. The only equipment necessary is an exercise mat & a towel.

We apologise for the minor microphone mishap 🙂


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