Holiday Exercise

Holiday exercise and how it can benefit you

Finally, we are in the best month of the year – December holidays are around the corner, people are in a happier mood, excitement is building up for festive events, some favorite music is playing everywhere and we look forward to meeting loved ones over season celebrations. Either entertaining or being entertained, we know good food with lots of memories awaiting us aplenty. And you know what? We deserve this time and we deserve to enjoy food around the table of love. We just need to balance it out with some simple exercise, here is why it’s important and also doable.

Overindulging is very likely and exercise is a good antidote

Oh boy, that extra helping makes us feel guilty! But, it’s not the end of the world if you eat the extra calories. The easiest way to completely offset that guilt feeling is by doing a short session of low-medium intensity workout afterward. Just make sure you leave at least a 30 minutes gap after you finish your meal.

Breaking News – It doesn’t have to be one hour 

It’s not set in stone that exercise must be at least an hour to be effective. In fact studies have shown that 20 minutes is all you need to kick start the biological processes that torch sugar and fat in the body as a result of an activity. Anything beyond that is an added bonus.

My tip: Set your target on a 20-minute daily activity and see how you feel when you finish. Chances are the flowing good hormones in you, Endorphins; Dopamine, will drive you to make it 30 or 40 minutes. If you have the time, why not?

Involve loved ones

When you can, take an enjoyable walk with family and celebrate nature. Pick up a ball and start a game, as simple as throw and catch with or without your added twist 😉 

Play tag or stop runs. It’s all about pumping the blood around your body with more zest and having fun with holiday companions.

Yes, holiday is about switching off but is also about tuning in

A lot of free hours are given to you so why not use some of it to say hi to yourself, literally. Plan a short session of workout and do it mindfully to connect your body and mind for a deeper, stronger benefit. Sit silently for 5 minutes each day for a “breathing meditation” and let this natural act empower your focus and concentration. Tune in!

Move2improve is your holiday companion

Short sessions of exercise, mindful Pilates moves, plus lots of breathing are all at your fingertip when you log in on your phone, tablet or laptop. 

The Move To improve video library is available to you wherever you go and the best part is that a fair number of workouts can be done using just your body weight. Having a well-planned compact session means higher motivation and a lower chance for excuses you might have drummed up. Take a sneak peek

Final words – Holiday is a gift, while you must enjoy your time you must not stray too much from principles of good nutrition and fitness. Have your strategy in place for a “happy medium” before you take off for your break. 

With the power put in me by the knowledge and experience in the field of fitness, I can guarantee you that “a little goes a long way” because “it’s all about the balance”. 

Happy Holidays from the MovetoImprove Team!

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